Willow Learning: Feel Good Tutoring

  • Welcome to Willow Learning: Feel Good Tutoring, where we prioritise the emotional well-being of children alongside their academic growth. At Willow Learning, we understand that children learn best when they feel safe, secure, and valued. That's why our approach is centred around creating a nurturing and supportive environment that fosters a sense of calm and confidence in every student.

    At Willow Learning, we believe that education is about more than just memorising facts and figures. It's about helping children develop the skills, confidence, and resilience they need to succeed in school and beyond. That's why we incorporate mindfulness and relaxation techniques into our tutoring sessions, helping children manage stress and anxiety while enhancing their focus and concentration.

    With Willow Learning: Feel Good Tutoring, you can rest assured that your child's well-being is our top priority. Join us today and experience the difference that compassionate and holistic tutoring can make in your child's life.

  • Hygge is a style of environment often seen throughout an early years educational setting, but rarely beyond this.

    These Hygge-inspired environments are scientifically proven to bring calmness and balance, in turn allowing for pupils to access their learning in a more effective way whilst prioritising their mental health and well-being.

    At Willow, we believe that all children, including those beyond the early years, would benefit from a hygge learning environment in order to reach their full potential.

  • Online tutoring

    40 minute sessions £35

    1 hour sessions £45

    Block of 10 @ 10% discount

    To book your session, contact the team at staff@willowlearning.co.uk

  • ‘Talent is spread equally across the social classes, however opportunity is not.’

    Willow Learning will offer the resources required to bridge this gap and provide an equal education for all.

    ‘Feel Good Tutoring’ is our social initiative providing bespoke tutoring to pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds. In turn, creating a world where every student, regardless of their background, has access to quality education and the tools to unlock their full potential.

    There are numerous ways we raise funds to offer these sessions where they are needed. Just one of these ways is that for every 10 sessions you purchase for your child, one will be donated to a child from a disadvantaged background. Once we have a block of ten in the bank, we will provide a child with ten sessions to really have an impact.

    Feel Good Tutoring at its best.

  • We are so grateful that you have taken the time to see how you can support us as we try to bridge the gap for disadvantaged pupils.

    Put simply these are the ways we you can support us.

    1. Direct Funding. Here is the link to our ‘Buy me a coffee page.’ Each time we reach £350, we offer a child a block of bespoke lessons.


    2. Word of mouth. Just keep talking about us. The more people hear about us, the more people use our sevice, the more we can give away lessons to those who need it most!

  • If you think you know someone who would benefit from our support, send us an email and we will always try our best to help.

  • Laura tutored our daughter Sitara for English and Maths from spring year 4 till the end of year 6. The lessons were 40 minute online lessons. Normally Sitara detested Maths but she enjoyed Laura's classes and within weeks she was participating in school lessons more actively. Over the whole period Sitara's confidence and test scores skyrocketed for arithmetic and English. We were sorry that Laura couldn't continue at secondary school level but can highly recommend her classes for developing a positive attitude towards learning and improving test scores!

    Sitara’s Dad, North London

    My daughter was struggling with anxiety around maths and has always been behind with the curriculum. Laura’s kind and attentive teaching really helped her lack of confidence. She loves the lessons online and trusts Laura enough to ask questions and show vulnerability. As a result of this, her understanding of maths concepts has improved greatly.

    Jessica, Bounds Green, London

    Laura has tutored my daughter in both Maths and English over the years and she has made such a positive impact. My daughter’s grades have improved vastly and I’m so grateful for the kind and gentle approach Laura has had with her. She’s been able to pin point areas of learning which my daughter had found difficult in the past and has instead taught her fun and interesting methods in order to understand and retain knowledge. I can highly recommend Laura as a teacher and private tutor.

    Maya’s Mum, Hornsey, London

    Choosing Willow Learning for my children has been brilliant. Laura’s patience, understanding, and expertise in catering to diverse learning styles have truly made a difference in my children's academic journey.

    From the moment we started working with Laura it was clear that she was dedicated to creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment. Laura took the time to understand my children's unique strengths and challenges, adapting her teaching methods to meet their individual needs.

    My children have shown remarkable progress under Laura's guidance. Their confidence has soared, and they have developed a newfound enthusiasm for learning. What sets Laura apart is her ability to make learning enjoyable and accessible, even for children with complex learning profiles.

    I am incredibly grateful for the impact the Laura has had on my children's education. It has not only helped them achieve more academically but has also empowered them to overcome obstacles and embrace their full potential.

    If you're seeking a tutor who genuinely cares about your child's well-being and academic growth, I wholeheartedly recommend Laura.

    Jacob and Florence’s Mum, Zurich

    My son has only had a few sessions with Laura and we already think she is amazing. My son has really connected with her and loves the way she teaches him Maths. Would highly recommend her!

    Joshua’s Mum, North London